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"In the end, all we have is God, family, and friends” nothing else matters

Family is not just a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Family are the people in your life that also want you to be in theirs.
Family are those:
               – who accept you just as you are for whom you are. 
               – that support you in the things you choose to do without
                 judging or condemning you.
               – who love you, respect you and on whom you can depend.
               – that have your back when you step out on a limb and take
                 that chance.
Family is the bond that bends but never breaks.
Family is unequivocal LOVE.


Foundation determines  success or failure
Every member of the family should have a health journal.

The journal should begin the moment the mother knows that she is pregnant, or blessed with an adoption.
Record everything, food, exercise, when you feel ill and when you are in discomfort.
Take your journal with you when you visit your doctor. You will be equipped to answer your doctor’s questions and assist your doctor in the decisions made based on your health condition. Also, take notes on the points your doctor gives you. Do not rely on memory. You and your baby’s well-being are too important to rely on memory.


We Hold their future in our hands

Our most prize

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Cell Phones photos are great. However, would you give a young child a $600+ camera?

That special moment cannot be duplicated.
If you do not have a camera buy one.
Please give the children one as well. They see the world from a different pair of eyes. Here are a few suggestions.
Here are some suggestions


Suggestions for the budding photogtapher.


 Photography has been a hobby of mine since I was first introduce to the field by my grandfather at age seven.
If you are looking for cameras beyond this price range. Then you are very serious about photography. I would suggest you exercise due diligence; be sure to visit a pro shop  to get the feel and subtle nuances of the different cameras. 

 Cherished moments with a movie camera.